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Science and Engineering

Ben Smith and Captain Bob Wallace recover an instrument with the Zodiac. Bob and Ethan prepare for the next test. Canal ADCP recovery dive.
Cape Cod Canal ADCP and TRM on deck after recovery. Downloading data from a weather buoy south of Nantucket. Edge Tech side scan sonar testing.
Jim and Lou formulate a plan. Recovery of ADCP TRM and tide data recorders in Muskeget Channel. Remus 100 departs on a mission.
Remus 100 on the surface. Remus returns from the mission. Rigging submersible electric winch for bollard pull test.
Sea Sciences Acrobat tow body operations training session. Submersible electric winch testing. Tandem towing blocks in action.
The Turbulator! Trackpoint II USBL on the stbd instrument spar. Two large trawl resistant bottom mounts on deck.
Weather buoy in A-Frame enroute to deployment. DMF fiber optic cable winch in operation. Dr. Kathryn Ford at the helm.
Fiber Optic winch and USBL transponder deployed on the turret mount. Focus II and gear mobilized on the Quest. Lori and Bob launch the Focus II.
Lori and Tom recover the Focus II. RV Quest joins the RV Auk at the NOAA base in Scituate MA. Ryan and Tom help trouble shoot the SAS on the Focus II.
SAS sonar image of the HMCS St. Francis. Sea Rover intern Ryan Hunter learns about ocean engineering first hand. Setting up the Focus II gear.
Slocum Glider Launch. Steve flies the Focus II vechile. Moored acoustic recording unit recovery ops.
Winter test ops. Benthos C3D side scan ops. Canal wave guage recovery.
Canal wave guage trawl resistant mount on deck. Captain Wallace inspects C3D. Edge Tech side scan ops.
Edge Tech side scan testing Nov 05. Edge Tech side scan towfish prep prior to launch. Edge Tech tow fish deployment.
Edge Tech towfish recovery. Endeco YSI depressor weight for buoy current test. Endeco YSI launching weight.
Endeco YSI prep for buoy current test. Endeco YSI towing buoy at 7 knots for current test. Endeco YSI weather buoy on deck.
Francois Leroy of Benthos evaluates side scan data. Remote wave gauge on deck. Rob Morris evaluates Edge Tech side scan data.
Sippican AUV ops. Sippican AUV launch. Sippican AUV launch.
Sippican AUV mobilization. Sippican AUV set up to launch. Sippican AUV test prep.
Sippican fiber optic test June 05. Radio telemetry link repair on acoustic recording buoy. | 508-789-5901