image gallery

City of Columbus

City of Columbus at Nickersons Wharf in Boston. City of Columbus at anchor, with canvas ventilator rigged. Antonio Jacobsen painting of City of Columbus.
City of Columbus loading coal from a lighter alongside. Ocean Steamship Company brochure. Route of Boston to Savannah steamships.
First Boat crew Massachsetts Humane Society. Wreck as viewed from the cutter Samuel Dexter. Revenue Cutter Samuel Dexter at Woods Hole.
Lt. John Rhodes. Wreck on Devils Bridge, Chief Simon Johnson, 3rd Boat crew with wrecked surf boat. Police Gazette.j
Log of Fall River line New Bedford wharf agent January 19th 1884. Devils bridge today. Mooring bitts on the starboard bow.
Engine City of Columbus. Line shaft berring foundations. Scup amoung the wreckage.
Frames and hull plating aft on the starboard side. Engine foundations and frame with diver. Large fluke common at wreck site.
Leather shoes, possibly cargo.j A pair of deadeyes. Hub of the airplane engine propeller.
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